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Update- JNVU was inaugurated by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the President of India on 24th August, 1962. Hon'ble President revered Prof. Radha Krishnan desired and defined the goals and objective of the then Jodhpur University now J.N.V.U :: " That the young people, who will be educated in this university , will go forward, will develop in them a spirit of dedication on the advancement of the knowledge, whether in science or humanities. There are four Government Colleges of Jodhpur became part of the University Jai Narain Vyas University is a residential university but the Colleges situated within the municipal limits of Jodhpur are affiliated to the University. Date of UGC recognition as university July 14, 1962.Jai Narain Vyas University results are available on as well. For More Details Please Visit Our Website:-